
More Film

This past Saturday I went up to Camp Tahkodah for a dedication ceremony. I took my RF camera with me so I could keep up my summer resolution to shoot film. This is Denis Rine talking to the campers about what is important in life. Dennis has a different perspective on this as he has buried his daughter,Micah, this spring. Micah grew up at Camp Tahkodah in the summers. Her Grandparents worked there for years and Micah and her family would spend time there every summer. Dennis was telling the campers that even as her cousins fondly remember summers at Camp,ski trips and vacations at the lake and Micah being home for the holidays Micah had something that is more precious than that now. Micah had a relationship with God. Nothing is more important to Micah now than that one relationship. I wish we could all have that mentality. This life is brief for our bodies but our spirits will live eternally. We can control where we spend eternity only by how we live our life on earth. Micah was focused on her spiritual relationship with God and even though her death was untimely, we know she is now resting with her heavenly father.

On to lighter things now.

You can't leave camp in late afternoon light without taking a few photos.

I stopped a couple of times on the way home to shoot things that caught my eye on the side of the road. I always find it hard to pass up Black Eyed Susans but I must admit that it is just not the same to shoot them in B&W. I really loved this fence post as well.
This week I have been at the UPAA Symposium at Jamestown Community College in Jamestown , NY. We shot a baseball game Monday night and I got a couple of photos that I liked. I really loved this old guy keeping his book as the game progressed. I took his photo and I don't think he even knew I was there.

I hope you enjoy the photos. I am having fun with my summer film project and I am having a great time with my UPAA buddies. But I hope more than anything that we keep the memory of Micah alive through that Gazebo and Bell that were dedicated at Camp and that we can learn from her the value of being a child of God.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Very nice tribute to Micah and her memory. Such a tragedy, but regardless, still a victory for Christ because she is in His hands.

I love the photo of the older gent. Very cool.