I got lucky and caught the bullet. I had fun taking a couple of turns shooting myself.
Camp tradition- you get thrown off the bridge if it is your birthday.
Josie and her cabin.
I really enjoyed the basketball games. This time I really enjoyed the basketball. I sometimes miss shooting sports in the summer.
Josie and her friends.
This is what happened when you asked Jordan Ashmore for water at the canteen.
Jalen went to Camp with me and he wanted a camera. His photos were not half bad. "Not half bad" is code for really good. It comes from Statler and Waldorf, the grumpy old men muppets. One would say something "was not half bad" and the other one would respond "it was all bad."
This is Jalen with my friend Sam Jeffrey.
Back over Christmas break while the boys were out of school and Jackson was recovering from ACL surgery Jalen used Sam's name to win an argument. The boys were fussing over something that really didn't matter and it eventually boiled down to Jalen saying at least my knee works and Jackson accusing Jalen of thinking he is tough because he has an Apple Watch and then said only sissies wear Apple Watches. I was watercoloring at the time and had had enough of their nonsense and said so you calling Coach Simmons (HU football coach) a sissy? It was a total bluff on my part as I have no idea what kind of watch Paul Simmons wears. Jackson looked at me for a moment and then bluffed back at me with " is Coach Simmons the toughest guy you know?" Jalen said, " I am pretty sure Sam Jeffrey is the toughest guy I know." Argument over.
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