
Church in Honduras

We got up early today because we needed a dry run on or afternoon VBS. We rode to Church in trucks and were greeted warmly by the Hondurans. This man above walked up to me with a huge smile and said "hola" and gave me a big hug. Then he looked up at me and motioned that I was tall. Those of you that know me know that I am not tall so I immediately liked this guy. Church was great. I ended up going to Childrens Church and that was awesome. The memory verse was Luke 8:1 and after the teacher and the class repeated it several times together she gave kids the chance to come to the front of the class and repeat it for the class.
I love coloring time in class at home so I joined in coloring time today and helped a couple of kids finish their pages. They would hold out their hand and let me select the color that I wanted from the 4 or 5 colors of broken crayons they had to choose from. The other kids watched intently as I colored, started pointing and talking about the Gringo. The kids were so excited to color and when they were finished they would take they paper to the teacher and she would give them a grade. Several of the kids came and showed me their papers with 100% on it. I smiled and gave them my best Excellenta and we had fun at church. By the end of the day I had most of them giving me fist bumps as we got ready to go.

After Church we got ready for lunch which was served out of the back of a truck. We had chicken, tortillias, and rice. Some of the chickens were whole and I helped cut them up into serving size pieces.

After lunch we did the VBS. The kids did a couple of skits and their young people sang several songs for us.

My favorite part of VBS was craft time. We made bracelets with pipe cleaners and beads and then we made crosses out of tongue depressers and yarn. The best thing we did was face paint. The little ones would just flock to you asking for one more thing. I did a ton of flowers for the girls and for the boys I did trucks. One little boy asked me to draw the Honduran Flag on him. Lucky for me one of our translators, Megan, was there and told me what he was saying and what the flag looked like. I made a bunch of flags on little kids arms. I loved every minute of playing with those kids and seeing those young hearts being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Finally it was time for the soccer game. Now mind you this is winter in Honduras and that means it is the rainy season. No worries you play soccer anyway. It was a great fun to watch them play and the Honduran team won 6-3.

After the soccer game we came back to camp and then we had the choice to stay and rest or go out into the country side and see the caves. I decided to go to the caves.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear of the good work you all are doing there!

Jennifer Hannigan said...

I'm glad your using your Spanish vocabulary word, excellenta, while you're there!