

As a photographer there are a few essential things that you can't live without.
1. Kodak Brownie Hawkeye
2. Tri-X 120
3. Pack of Polaroid film
4. My UPAA Coffee Mug-ok mine is a couple of years old now but it still keeps the coffee hot and the Diet Coke cold.

Oh yeah, and I was goofing around with my student workers new 50mm 1.4 and this was on the shelf above my computer.

1 comment:

giantdave said...

i have a brownie. its my fiance's grandpa, and i have her gmas kodak medium format. i forget what its called. where do you get film for the brownie and the kodak 645 or something? id love to use them bt i dont know for sure where to get the film. and i dont have the film roll in the kodak either. sad day huh?