
122/365 Iris and rain drop inspirations


Blog note-  I just found another photo that I shot on 5-2-2013  and I wanted to add it after the fact.

I came home and it was raining and it was going to get cold.  I shot with my Nikon D200 and and old Nikon 55mm F3.5 Nikon macro lens trying to find a meaningful rain image.  I shot a ton of shots but this is really the only one that I liked.  This is a water drop about to drip off of the Chestnut tree leaves.  I liked the detail of the leaves and the shadow and the texture especially contrasted against the dark Fir tree background.  I believe it was Henri Cartier-Bresson that made a statement that- photographers have to be curious about things- he could spend hours photographing rain drops.  This is more of a paraphrase than a quote but it was my inspiration for this late afternoon shoot.  I like the way Dewitt Jones puts it as finding the next right answer to a photographic situation.  I took over 100 shots but this was the only "right answer" that I found.

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