
32/365 My daughter, my model

Today I parked in front of the education building which is a north facing building.  The sun never shines on a north facing building and the closest it comes is in the middle of the summer.  So the light was cutting across the sidewalk with a nice 3/4 from behind light leaving a nice dark background.

Luckily, Jenna saw me as I pulled up in the parking lot and we talked for a few minutes about class and Spring Sing and other things and then she was gracious enough to become my model for my photo of the day. Also, notice the steam coming out of her mouth due to the fact that it was 19 degrees this morning.

I love having her on campus and knowing her friends, but on the other hand it makes me feel really old to have a kid in college.

So a big thanks to Jenna and her friend Morgan for being my models today.

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