These are the two READ Poster choices that were submitted to the Library for the month of October. In our office we were divided about which one we liked best so I decided to let you vote on which one you like best. Please leave a coment on let me know which one you like the best. The Reader for October is Dr Cliff Ganus Jr. he is the chancellor here at Harding. His book is The Agony & Glory of the Cross by Charles B Hodge Jr.
I almost forgot, our student designer Anna Cline directed the photography and did all the design work.
I am torn...I like the colors in the first one but I really like him standing in front of the AD building. I always associate that building with his office. I think I am voting for the second one with the AD Building columns.
i like the 2nd one. you can see thebook better and it gives dr ganus a look of power, yet his face isnt a power hungry attitude, but a friendly man of faith.
I like the top one the best. It has more color but I really don't care which one you choose, I'm just glad you choose Dr. Ganus...He is such a sweetie!
His hands look huge in the second picture (and I know they are anyway)but the first one shows him in a softer light.
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