
Inspiration vs Copying

 I had the privilege to photograph Peyton and Weston's wedding a couple of weeks ago at Camp Tahkodah.  It was a wonderful day and the photos were so easy with such a beautiful couple.  The photo above just happened.  The ring bearer just walked up and sat on the bench as I was lining up the shot of the bride and groom and it immediately made me think of the photo below by the great photographer Elliott Erwitt.
I didn't set it up to knock off the Erwitt photo it just happened.  The best way to become a better photographer is to take lots of pictures and to look at lots of pictures. Everytime I spend time looking at photos I am charging up my creative batteries.  The better info I put into my photographic brain the better I see and the better my photos become.

Don't try to be some other photographer by copying everything they do, learn from them and be inspired  and when the moment presents itself you will recognize it and make your own image.

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